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Micronutrition is the discipline that studies the essential micronutrients present in food and their impact on our metabolisms and our health.

Using a "healthy diet" based on micronutrition allows:

  • To correct certain deficits / excesses

  • To optimize the contributions of essential micronutrients corresponding to the needs of our cells

The goal is to improve physical and mental well-being through our diet.


What are micronutrients?

Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, pre and probiotics, amino acids, fatty acids, fibers.


Why micronutrition?

Our diet has been greatly modified in recent decades due to major changes: intensive agriculture, livestock, ....

But also, the evolution of our lifestyles which results in stress and increased pollution, has led to the depletion of our "health capital" in certain micronutrients.

Certain periods of life (childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, etc.) and certain situations (intensive sport, competitions) require specific nutritional contributions.


What is the goal of a micronutritionist?

The micronutrition specialist establishes a nutritional and micronutrient assessment based on the patient's diet and lifestyle. In certain situations, the prescription of a biological nutritional assessment will be useful to assess any excess or deficiency in micronutrients.

The objective is to detect micronutrient deficits which, over time, can be responsible for certain disorders: chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, sleep, mood, daily energy, food intolerances, etc.

The micronutrient specialist is interested in the nutritional density of foods and works with the patient to build a personalized diet in order to rebalance a particular area (acid, inflammatory, oxidant, omega-3 deficient, etc.).

Micronutrition is particularly interested in 4 areas:

  • cerebral (optimize the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin ...)

  • intestinal (to optimize the health of our microbiota, our intestinal wall and therefore better functioning of the underlying immune system)

  • cellular communication (by optimizing the supply of omega 3, components of the membrane of our cells and which ensure the fluidity of the latter)

  • cellular aging (by optimizing the intake of antioxidant micronutrients)


The objective is to return to a sustainable balance by integrating the good practices of a "healthy diet" in daily meals.

In some situations, micronutrient supplements will be prescribed to the patient over a period of a few months, with the same goal.

As part of the patient's return to a balanced diet, the micronutrient specialist must also take into account their biological rhythms.

Indeed, depending on the time of day, nutrients and micronutrients do not have the same impact on our metabolism or on the synthesis of neurotransmitters.


Take the example of breakfast. It can be adapted to get the day off to a good start, promoting creativity and motivation.

For this reason, if it is mainly composed of proteins, it will increase the synthesis of dopamine, a neurotransmitter known for its positive influence on the start of the day.


On the other hand, micronutrition is mainly based on detailed knowledge of the chemical reactions in the heart of cells and the biological rhythms of patients.

Its objective is therefore to adapt the patient's diet by providing them with the nutrients and micronutrients necessary to optimize the chemical reactions in the body.

After a cure of micronutrition, the patient will know better how their body works and will be able to adapt their diet to their needs.


Contact us
Muriel, nutritionist

07521 017 953

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