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Antenatal classes


Classes to be prepared for the arrival of his / her child in a global, physical, psychological or material way.
These sessions are offered in individual sessions.

As an indication, here is the proposal of the topics, this distribution being adapted to the wishes and expectations of each future mom (and future dad if he can be present!)


First session
- Reminders of the Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy
- When to go to maternity? Signs of early stage of labour
- Labourflow:  from first contractions to birth

Second Session
- The management of pain and ways to implement
- Special cases (labour induced, forceps delivery or Caesarean section, ..)


Third Session
- Mum's first care and her stay at the hospital
- The first moments of the baby's life, first aid


Fourth Meeting
- Breastfeeding and bottlefeeding
- Weaning




Pauline, midwife

07575 675 075

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