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Consultations at the practice or at home with Noemie Roux, Raphaele Coles or Pauline Fetu, NMC registered midwive, .


The consultation lasts one hour and includes:


  • Blood pressure, pulse, temperature

  • Medical history

  • Gynecological examination (breast exam, uterus palpation, caesarean scar examination (if applicable), perineum examination, vaginal examination if necessary)

  • More general examination depending on the cause of appointment

  • Newborn check-up


These consultations also provide a very good opportunity to speak about breastfeeding together and to resolve any difficulties.


You can also look into a home visit with Mathilde our Paediatric nurse. 

Mathilde offers you support from your first day back home after birth. 


The areas she can help with:

  • Bathing and changing the baby;

  • Newborn care  (ombilical cord);

  • Monitoring  baby weight development;

  • How to feed your baby:  Breastfeeding, Bottle feeding techniques and how to wind your baby;

  • Reflux & Colic issues;

  • Teething issues



-> Book your consultation to start weaning your baby. 

 -> Sleep Training available 





Pauline midwife

07575 675 075


Mathilde Pediatric nurse Consultant

07412 991 057

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